

Moreinu Harav Gedaliah Anemer ZT’l

Rav Gedaliah Anemer moved to Washington in 1958 to become the Rav  of The Shomrai  Emunah Congregation. He was an elite talmid of  Telshe Yeshiva, and acknowledged as expert in all areas of Shas and Shulchan Aruch.  Shortly thereafter,  Rav Anemer had the foresight to relocate the congregation to Silver Spring and  the seeds of what was to become The Silver Spring Jewish Community were thus planted.

In   1963, he founded The Yeshiva of Greater Washington, consisting of both a girls & boys division. Over the next 45  Years, in addition to serving as the Rosh Hayeshiva,  he gave a daily advanced shiur  in Gemora in the Boys High School and likewise gave many classes in the girls division. He molded the lives of thousands of talmidim and talmidos and was truly revered and loved by all.

Rabbi Anemer was a dynamic orator, and a master educator, who spiritually and intellectually impacted the lives of many people with his sermons and shiurim in all of Tanach, Gemora, and Halacha. Over a period of twenty years Rav Anemer gave a weekly shiur on Chumash, Tanach, and various other subjects.  Rav Anemer was niftar    א’ אייר’ תש”ע . He is buried in Yerushalayim on Har Hamenuchos. Through this website his Torah will continue to live on.

May his memory be  blessed.